Focus on customer value
I help individuals and teams to look and proceed beyond the functional value
Contribute concretely to the business outcomes of customers!
In order to maximize the return on your customer portfolio, it is important to ensure that your products and services are optimally aligned with the value that customers and prospects are (latently) seeking.
Value add
I help your teams see and act beyond the functional value of products and services. Help them truly understand how your products and services can effectively contribute to customer’s business and strategy. In other words, to discover where opportunities to add value come from.
Effective behavior
The difference between plan and outcome is customer approach. Of both individuals and teams. Helping them to apply the right customer approach with the corresponding effective behavior, I enable individuals and teams to turn opportunities into results.
Development new Business Unit
“With effective guidance towards lasting sales success”
Dennis Iliohan, Directeur DPA IT Infra & Security