Focus on self-organization
I focus on the right balance between directing and delegation!
Growth and value creation cannot be tightly controlled with rules and procedures.
Above all, it requires the right balance between letting go and clarity. Between agility and stability.
I use various instruments according to need. With focus on the bottlenecks. No all-encompassing overwhelming change program, but starting where the tensions are:
- Short cyclical. Instead of a months-at-a-time plan, we develop progress based on an aspired end-goal and advancing insight. In sprints, such most relevant to reach the end goal is tackled first
- Transformational. “No seed on bare rocks”, successful change requires fertile soil. With clear leadership, focus on shared goals and effective collaboration we scale up
- Ownership. Those involved start to organize the work increasingly among themselves, take initiatives, and find solutions to emerging problems.
By actively involving employees and other stakeholders in iterations, with the applicable interventions geared towards providing customer value with effective behavior, together we fast track and secure the innovation.
I provide my services in three forms:
I Lead
I like to translate my result commitment into taking management responsibility.
I coach
I help put in place the right levers for growth, cost reduction and productivity improvement.
I advise
I support with practical improvement analysis and advice, and guide the implementation.
Scaling SaaS
“Commercial growth engine built, and team ready to take themselves as well as the company to next levels!”
Rob Schuurbiers, CEO Simacan