Reposition & grow
Realize profitable growth after acquisition by VC.
Commissioned by VC, as CEO, repositioned ICT company Lantech (now merged with Felton) to Cyber Security specialist. Implemented growth plan, resulting in profitable growth from €6M to €10M.
Situation: In 2009 TiiN Capital had taken stake in Lantech with ambition to grow the company into a Security specialist.
Challenge: In 2009, awareness and perception regarding IT Security pains and gains were still in their infancy. Especially in the board-room. In order to become relevant there, in terms of proposition, it was important to outside-in relate business problems and risks to the possibilities of emerging Next Generation Technology solutions. In terms of behavior, it was important to transform the technically oriented organization into a shaper and trusted advisor.
Approach: With an outside-in vision, a multi-vendor end-to-end solutions portfolio covering the entire IT-security domain has been built. Provocative marketing raised market attention. And the commercial team was recruited/educated to look beyond the functional value of the technology to have an effective business to IT dialogue, making customers acknowledge the relevance and importance of Next Generation Technology to support their business safely and effectively. Combining the right customer dialogue with competent employee engagement, in iterations, a profitable growth from €6M to €10M was established.